We feel the most empowered when they see others who are inspiring and we can be easy to relate to. We read countless articles and interviews that feature women’s empowerment quotes from people who we admire. Kindness, courage, and success are just a few we can relate to that make us feel empowered.
Whether it be due to overcoming a hard situation, succeeding when the odds were stacked against them, breaking generational cycles, or making an effort to be our best self on a daily basis, all of these define empowerment. We all have seen quotes on empowerment. They become mantras. We celebrate and study them, but what if there was another way of defining empowerment?
What about a visual reminder that featured you? Using portraiture as a tool towards empowerment to memorialize and celebrate where one is at during a specific moment. This can be a mindset shift that you recently made or it can be a goal that you want to achieve, the possibilities are endless.
Capturing where you are and who you want to be right now is a powerful narrative and one that you can reflect back on. These daily visual reminders can be one of the tools in your ever evolving toolbox to help you become the best version of yourself.
Book an appointment today to add portraiture to your toolbox to help you choose to make your goals a reality each and every day.